Friday, November 13, 2009

Great show last night

Sweat Shop Boys played at CCRMA's fall concert, "A Cagian Music Circus", last night.  The event lasted 1.5 hours, with performances happening simultaneously in six areas throughout the building.  The free concert drew a crowd of about 150.  Our performance took place in the CCRMA stage, a beautiful and intimate concert space (with no actual stage) designed for multichannel electroacoustic music.  It's equipped with two rings of 8 ADAM studio monitors and four subwoofers for a grand total of 20 channels of 3-d playback.  Sweatshop Boys are only used to playing on stereo rigs, bad ones, in acoustically bad spaces.  So this was a welcome change, to say the least!  We retooled our effects busses to output four discrete channels, which were diffused to the four corners of the space.  Also new for us was a highly receptive crowd of like-minded people.    The pic above is the only one I have at the moment, but many high quality pics should be available soon.